Welcome to your first blogging experience in art history. I would like for each of us to post an entry before the first Monday of school on the following:
What do you already know about art history? What is your favorite piece of art? Who is your favorite artist? What is your favorite media?
This may be close to nothing-and that's ok! I would like to see where we are all at on day one. We will be using this blog site throughout the year, so bookmark the site!
Looking for something to do? Get out to a museum-there are so many downtown. They may also offer student discounts with your ID.
I am so glad you took APAH!
My answer:
What do you already know about art history? Lots! I am the teacher! But there is always so much more to learn!
What is your favorite piece of art? I have many, but the leaders of the pack are the Winged Victory from Hellenistic Greece, Eternal Idol, by Rodin, any piece by Chihuly, I love St. Denis outside of Paris-the tombs inside are amazing. I tend to like 3 Dimensional art, since I create predominantly 2 Dimensional art. I have a strong appreciation for the art that I find more challenging to make myself.
Who is your favorite artist? This is a toughie...I like the conceptuality of Maurizio Cattelan. He sets up his pieces so that the environement around the piece or the approach of the piece affect the viewer's interpretation. I can also greatly appreciate the nameless sculptors of the Greek period. They made such great advancements in the depiction of the human form with much more primitive tools than we have now. I love the innovation of the architecture of Gaudi. It does not even seem like it is a habitable building! I also enjoy the work of Max Beckman. He has a very child-like nature in much of his work, with an intensely emotional content he observed as an army medic.
What is your favorite media? I enjoy painting, drawing and graphic design for my own work. I enjoy glass, because I took a class in glass in college and it is WAY harder than it looks!
Q: What do you already know about art history?
A: I know that art history is split up into catagories, depending on style, and era. I also know that art from all over the world affects each other.
Q: What is your favorite piece of art?
A: I don't really know of anything specifically, but I really like complex art; the kind of stuff that forces you to look at it for a long time before you realize what the artist is trying to show you. I especially like art that had some quality of shock value.
Q: Who is your favorite artist?
A: My favorite artist is Salvador Dali. I admire the way he views the world, and I am facinated to see what things are repeated in each of his pieces. (Like ants and crutches)
Q: What is your favorite media?
A: Currently, my favorite media to work with is colored pencil because of how smooth and linient colored pencils are. But I really like paintings, even if I can't paint my self. I love how big of a part brush strokes play in how a piece looks, while colored pencils can't be anything but flat.
1. I don't know much about art history. In AP Euro, we touched on some different eras of art, but other than that, I don't know anything..
2. I love the Hall of Mirrors in the Palais de Versailles. It's amazing. A place where so much history has happened, but yet it remains so beautiful. I love all the glass, and the ceiling, the gold statues and...well, I just love it.
3. I'm not a modern art person. Sorry. I love Degas, and his dancers, and just the feeling that the subjects are dancing when you look at his work. I like that it's a photograph and your eye has to move with the painting.
3. Paint, because of the rhythm. I really like it when modern painters, such as Kiefer (which is also the name of a swim store, and that's how I discovered his work..) Anyway, Kiefer uses sand and straw and other sorts of things with his paintings, which I find really cool.
1: What do I already know about art history? I know as much as I researched for the timeline and postcard.
2: I do not have a favorite piece of art at this time. Although, I do know I like Impressionism.
3: I also do not have a favorite artist.
4: My favorite media? I like graphic design alot. My favorite program is Illustrator. After doing research for the postcard, I think lithography would be really interesting to try. But I enjoy working with real art supplies, too.
1) I know some stuff, like stuff about the ruins of Bath, some stuff about Albrecht Durer, Andy Warhol and I searched through Jeff Koons' website. This class is to help me with the tons of history to look through.
2)I really like Jeff Koons' Balloon Dog and David LaChapelle's photograph of Amanda Lepore that kind of immitates Andy Warhol's Golden Marilyn Monroe.
3)I'll figure that out soon.
4)Paint I suppose, painting is something I could do for hours.
Q: What do I know about art history?
A: I know that it's devided up into categories by type or style. We learned about some of the categories in AP Euro, and we studied the French Impressionists in French 3. Art changes because of social and cultural changes that influence art, or reactions to current art styles.
Q:What is your favorite piece of art?
A: I love L'Impression Soleil L'evant be Claude Monet. The colors are gorgeous and I like the simplicity of the piece.
Q:Who is your favorite artist?
A:I really like Michelangelo and Claude Monet. I love their use of colors and textures in their pieces, and Michelangelo's sculptures are cool too.
Q:What is your favorite media?
A: I'm not a very good drawer or anything like that, I'm more of a music person. So good old crayola crayons are perfect for me. I also like oil pastels for when I feel a little fancier.
1. I know there is a lot of art pieces to study and there are a lot of periods in art history.
2. I don't have a favorite piece of art yet.
3. My favorite artist? I'll have to reanswer after I finish this year and see more artwork.
4. My favorite media is pencil. I like regular best, but I'm starting to like colored pencils a lot more.
1. I dont know much about art history. Although I did go to Italy two years ago so I may have been to some of the places we will talk about.
2. I dont really have a favorite piece of art. Mine used to be Starry Night, but now i am starting to like other pieces of art as well.
3. I dont have a favorite artist but a couple of my favorite are Monet and Andy Warhol.
4. I guess my favorite media would be paint. Although, i really cannot paint at all.
Q:What do you already know about art history?
A: A fair amount. I love art, but am not that great an artists, so I visit the Art Instite and the Museum of Contempoary Art pretty often. I also try to visit Art Museums whenever I am on vacation. But I definitly want to know a whole lot more!
Q: What is your favorite piece of art?
I love modern art! But it's too difficult to choose one piece of modern art... But one piece I will always love is "cow's skull with Calico Roses" by Georgia O'Keeffe.
Q: Who is your favorite artist?
A: I have too many! I love most of the impressionistic artists. I also love Picasso. I recently started to love art by Egon Schiele as well.
Q: What is your favorite media?
I am not much of an artists, but I love the way prints and silk-screens look. Also, art done with a pen is always interesting to see.
Q: What do you already know about art history?
A: I know that art is categorized by the style and era. I know some of the eras because of Euro, but other than that not much.
Q: What is your favorite piece of art?
A: Arrival of the Normandy Train, Gare Saint-Lazare by Claude Monet. I copied it for a project in eighth grade and its been my particular favorite since. Of course, after the class I might have a new favorite!
Q: Who is your favorite artist?
A: I've always liked Claude Monet. I love the colors he uses and the impressionist style.
Q: What is your favorite media?
A: Currently I like pencil drawings and ink drawings the best. I like painting and other medias almost as much though.
1. No real specifics... only that there's many different styles that sometimes overlap with each other.
2. Don't have a specific favorite really... probably because I don't know too many pieces.
3. Again, I don't know enough artists to be able to choose a favorite.
4. I suppose photography even though I'm not really into it anymore.
1. What do you already know about art history?
I learned a lot from Fundamentals about the history behind ART. I know that it was always changing, and that all the styles and eras overlapped.
2. What is your favorite piece of art?
My favorite piece of art is.....
by Keith Haring, it is untitled. I plan to get this as a tattoo in the near future.
3. Who is your favorite artist?
My favorite artist happens to be Keith Haring. His work in no way is easy, but simple with such vibrant colors that it's easy to relate to, and makes me say Why didn't I think of that?
4. What is your favorite media?
My favorite media would have to be graphic design, specifically Adobe Illustrator.
Q: What do you know about art history?
A: I know some of the names, like impressionism and abstract expressionism, and that some movements start as reactions to current movements.
Q: What is your favorite piece of art?
A: I really like "Little Dancer Aged Fourteen" by Degas. It's a sculpture of a ballet dancer, and she's wearing a real tutu and ballet slippers!
Q: Who is your favorite artist?
A: I don't have a specific favorite, but I love Impressionism, like Monet, Degas, and Mary Cassat.
Q: What is your favorite media?
A: I don't get to draw much anymore, but when I was little I loved crayons. They always look really bright and vibrant. Plus, they don't taste half bad!(JK)
1. I have never taken an art class outside photography classes,so i dont know much art history when it comes to paintings and sculptures. However I am familar with the works of various photographers.
2.Its really hard for me to pick just one piece of art and classify as my favorite.I'd have to say I dont have one.
3. A few of my favorite artists include Jerry Uelsmann,Cindy Sherman,Tina Madotti,and Sandy Skogland.
4.My media would be working with a camera. It doesn't matter what type of camera I use,and I do enjoy working the dark room. I just love seeing how the final image developes and I love knowing I made a sucessful composition.
1) All I really know about art history is that it has different eras and styles, and changes over time. I know about impressionism from French, and have some brief knowlege of other art movements from AP Euro.
2)I don't really have a favorite piece of art, but i do really like works of art that have a real emotional value.
3)I don't have a favorite artist yet.
4)At the moment, my favorite media would have to be architecture. I like the idea that a building can be functional and beautiful at the same time.
1.Not much. Basically what we covered in AP Euro. That was the most interesting part of that class for me..
2.I don't have a favorite peice of art. There are just too many!
3.I don't have a favorite artist yet because I don't know enough! hopefully by the end of the year I will have one.
4.I don't know what my favorite media is. In art class in elementart school I always liked work that was done in charcoal. I think the smudges made it look cool.
1. Although I felt like I knew a fair amount about art history, I realize now that I only know such a small percent of it. However, I am most familiar with the Renaissance.
2. I'm not really sure which is my favorite piece, but one of my favorites is Nighthawks by Edward Hopper.
3. There is no way I can pick just one favorite artist. I really enjoy the Renaissance artists like DaVinci, Raphael, and Michelangelo and the Northern Renaissance artist Albrect Durer. I also really like the impressionist artists like Monet, Manet, Pissaro, Degas, etc. There are just too many to choose from.
4. I love working with pencil because I prefer realism and its easier to add in the tiny details. I also love oil paints because of the way they can be textured and the rich colors.
1: I really don't know much about art history just that there are so many different styles and eras. That so many artists and arts come from talented people from around the world and from different times.
2: I really don't have a favorite piece of art, there are so many to chose from. Then again I would have to say "The Starry Night" by Vincent Van Gogh
3: My favorite artist is Edgar Degas. I love the way he paints his paintings, I like seeing the different colors her uses to paint each dancer.
4: My favorite media I would say would be sketching. I'm a proud believer in leaving pictures in black and white. Sketching helps me do that by shading in places completing a picture. I love painting I just I knew how to paint well myself.
Q: What do you already know about art history?
A: I already know quite a few artistic eras in art because of pa euro last school year!!! yipee! :)
Q: What is your favorite piece of art?
A: OOO!!! I love the Winged Victory!!! (Which I did see in person)
Q: Who is your favorite artist?
A: I have quite a few favs but one that comes to mind is Georges Braque because he broke the boundaries of art with his buddy Picasso, but his is not as well-known.
Q: What is your favorite media?
A: I love paint!!! I just plain love it. I also love other medias!
1 - I actually know a little bit about art history. I've written a 14 page paper on Michelangelo, and I've seen The Last Supper in Milan, Italy.
2 - The Calling of St. Matthew
3 - John Galliano
4 - Textiles; Clothing
Q:What do you already know about art history?
A:I know that throughout history art has been classified by time period and style. I am just unsure of the specifics.
Q: What is your favorite piece of art?
A:I wish I could say something less mainstream, but Starry Night is by far one of my favorites not only for the style, but the backround information.
Q: Who is your favorite artist?
A: As of right now I do not have one favorite artist that I can say is number one. The are various artists who I thoroughly enjoy, but I don't think I can narrow it to just one.
Q: What is your favorite media?
A:There are so many I like working in. I'm currently still experimenting, but I enjoy working with scratch boards, acrylics and ink.
my favorite picture would have to be the face made of different objects. the reason i like it so much is because it gives you alot to look at and also is cool. sorry mrs.wargo for this being so late but i finally got it to work thank you.
Jessica from 2d studio 2
Q: What do you already know about art history?
A:I know a nice amount of art starting from the Renaissance to present day. There is so much to learn which is why I'm taking this class.
Q: What is your favorite piece of art?
A: Hard, way too many to post, but I will say El Vendedor De Alcatraces by Diego Rivera. Now sculptures and buildings...don't get me started!
Q: Who is your favorite artist?
A:Um...Van Gogh. I like most of his artwork and his style.
Q: What is your favorite media?
A:Watercolor!!!! :)
Q:What do you already know about art history?
A: I know that art history takes pieces of art work over the span of history and pre-history and analyzes them in context to the artist and what was going on during that time. Art History also shows patterns in eras that are then labled into periods of art.
Q: What is your favorite piece of art?
A: Thats a really tough question. I admire many pieces for a variety of reasons. Wandererabove the Sea of Fog by Friedrich is one of my favorites for its bombarding emotion. I also love Maskenstilleben by Emil Nolde because it always keeps me guessing.
Q: Who is your favorite artist?
A: Probably Edvard Munch because he allowed everyone to view him a crazy in order to paint for shock value.
Q:What is your favorite medium?
A:Hmmmmmmm. Im going to have to go with oil paints because of the variety of textures that you can get out of them.
1. From AP Euro I know that many art movements were responses to other movements. French class taught me a lot about impressionism.
2. Seeing Michelangelo's David in person this summer made it my instant favorite. Photos can't capture how impressive it is!
3. Da Vinci is my favorite artist because he explored both art and science creatively. His notebooks are mind-blowing, and I really think he was a genius.
4. My favorite media is watercolors.
1. Honestly, I know as much as the p0st cards and timelines we completed over the summer
2. My favorite piece of art would have to be that of Camille Pissaro. Its called YOUNG WOMAN BATHING HER FEET IN A BRROK. So long of a title.
4. I love water colour. Mainly becuase im good at it, but also because it look so natural to me.
What i know about art history?
I really dont know tons of information but i do know some and the subject does interest me.
What is your favorite piece of art?
I dont have a favorite piece of art but I like photographs and abstract paintings.
Who is my favorite artist?
my favortie artist would be Robbert Mapplethorpe.
What is my favorite media?
i love painting and i also love photography
-Jordan Dekker
1. i know that i dont know much about it at all. but since ive made art, id like to take the time to appreciate others work as well.
2. my favorite piece of art, uhhh,i cant pick just one. its all incredible. i really like the painting of the last supper...no really, i think the sistine chapel is amazing.
3. i really like andy warhol, even if he was crazy
4. i myself like to use ink, but i think oils are pretty amazing, they do so much for the painting besides adding color.
Q: What do you already know about Art History?
A: I know that Art history is a very intricate topic. It demands you to think and see art in a different perspective while you learn about its history which is pretty cool.
Q: What is your favorite piece of Art?
A: I don't think I have a favorite piece of art. I like many architecural pieces. And also abstract paintings because, you can look at the painting a million ways and have a million perspectives of it.
Q: Who is your favorite artist?
A: I don't have a favorite artist now. But while I learn about new artists in the class; I may find someone I really like.
Q: What is your favorite Media?
A: My favorite media would have to be paint. You can mix thousands of colors, use different types of brushes and still have a very unique piece of art.
Katelyn Taylor
1. AP Euro taught me a little about art history. French class taught me A LOT about impressionism.
2. Death of Marat. I don't know why I like it so much... I just do.
3. Toulouse Latrec. A few years ago, I saw the exhibit on him at the art institute. I love his use of humor.
4. I don't really have one. I guess I like paintings.
Q: What do you already know about art history?
A: I didn't know that much about art history, but i knew there was hundreds of eras and styles.
Q: What is your favorite piece of art?
A: I dont have a specific favorite art piece but i really love realistic and interesting artwork- pieces that make you think.
Q: Who is your favorite artist?
A: So far my favorite is VanGogh. His style is so cool and interesting, i admire and respect him as an artist.
Q: What is your favorite media?
A: I really love to use color pencil especially white color pencil one black paper- you can add so many shades and values.
Kayla Rankin
Q: What do you already know about art history?
A: I know art history is put into different artistic movements depending on the style and time period of the work. I already know a lot of artists and pieces of artwork already, I am excited to learn more though.
Q: What is your favorite piece of art?
A: My favorite one is The Old Guitarist by Pablo Picasso he painted it just after one of his close friends committed suicide and this was in his blue period of artwork. When I saw this at the Art Institute I found out that Picasso originally started to paint a portrait of a woman on the canvas. You can see the woman vaguely from the side of the old man when the painting is turned on it's side.
Q: Who is your favorite artist?
A: I don't have one particular favorite artist but a can name some I really like Caude Monet, Salvador Dali, Edward Hopper, Dale Chihuly, and Frank Lloyd Wright.
Q: What is your favorite media?
A: I like several medias and they include colored pencil, oil pastels, clay, and graphic design.
1. i think i know a lot about art history. i know that art has been existing since the prehistoric ages with cave drawings and such. it evolved through the ages creating many movements of specific artistic patterns.
2. im not sure if i have a favorite peice because i feel that since there is such variety to art that you can't pick a favorite. i do enjoy certain types of art over others though.
3. my favorite artist would have to be monet because i love impressionist paintings. i really like how the simple brush strokes and bold colors used in monet's paintings create an elaborate scene
4. i really enjoy painting because i love colors and the look that paint gives to a picture.---destiny williams period 7
Q: What do you already know about art history?
A: Art and history go hand in hand. Artwork often displays concepts from the era it is from, and reflects the time periods very nicely.
Q: what is your favorite peice of art?
A: This is very difficult, but i love impressionist artwork as well as Pop Art.
Q: who is your Favorite artist?
A: This is way too hard to choose one. I love art, and looking at it in amazement.
Q: what is your favorite media?
A: I really enjoy paintings and drawings, and architecture.
1.)I don't know that much about art history, I can identify a few eras and movements. I know that art is a huge part of history and can reflect events and aspects of a specific culture or period of time.
2.)My favorite piece of art? I think that totally depends on how much I know, and will probably change as I learn more, I could see having a new favorite every week! Right now I really like the Pieta by Michelangelo because of the incredible lifelike quality, I can't belive it is created from marble. Also, Rembrandt's The Feast of Belshazzar is fascinating to me for some reason. It isn't a really "pretty" painting and it's actually kind of creepy, but it's crazy detailed and I love the way he uses light to illuminate the figures.
3.My favorite artist, would probably be one of the old masters, I'm not crazy about any modern artist in particular, although I think Dali's artwork and Surrealism in general was really cool.
4.)My favorite media to work in is oil paint, but I think sculpture is incredible.
1. What I know about art history is that there are different art movements in which artist and pieces are classified. I also know of the popular argument that an artist can't be classified in a movement because a certain art style can be approached by an artist at any time.
2. I'm not exactly sure if I have a favorite piece of art, particularly because I don't remember the names of many. I will say although, that Joseph Albers "Homage to the Square" is an interesting take on art being complicated and simple at the same time.
3. I don't think I have been exposed to enough artist to have a favorite.
4. My favorit media, although I haven't used it much, is most likely oil paint. I like how it's viscous and vibrant in colors.It is also popular among realistic pieces which I'm attracted to.
What do you already know about art history? I know some history about the Impressionism time period because of french 3. Now because of it I love that time period.
What is your favorite piece of art? My favorite piece of art is A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte I love the pointillism in this piece. I actually got to see it at the museum which was amazing.
Who is your favorite artist? My favorite artist would have to be Van Gogh. The way he expresses his emotions on canvas is outstanding.
What is your favorite media? Although I am not very good at its to paint. I used to use all those Crayola paint kits and mix them and just paint big sheets of paper.
1.I have a solid knowledge of different types of artistic styles mainly because I took AP Euro.
2.I don't exactly have a favorite art piece, but I do admire: Starry Night, The Scream,Liberty leading the peopl, and ect.
3.Again I don't have one favorite artists but I like Picasso, Van Gogh, and ect.
4. I'm not good at drawing or painting at all, I prefer to study and look up art instead.
Q: What do you already know about art history?
A: I know that there are many different eras that involve art.
Q: What is your favorite piece of art?
A: My favorite pieces of art would have to be anything that Dale Chiculy makes. His glass sculptures amase me everytime i see one.
Q: Who is your favorite artist?
A: My favorite artist is Hopper. His work is so mysterious and always has a underline meaning that i like.
Q: What is your favorite media?
A: Currently, my favorite media to work with is watercolor and ink. I really like the way the ink makes the colors real pop out. It's something kind of different and i think that is what attracts me to it.
-Melyssa Scott
1. What do you already know about art history?
I know that anything could be art and I recognize the artist for some more famous pieces, but that's really about it.
2. What is your favorite piece of art?
I like things that are different and make you want to take it home.
The Mermaid
Little Sister
APH Mafia Germanic family
3. Who is your favorite artist?
My favorite artists are tinyemi and moni158. Emi has many styles all her own and all her drawings always come out adorable. Moni158 has a unique digital painting style with flowing lines and bright spots that make her pictures pop.
4. What is your favorite media?
My favorite media is paint because I just love to mix the colors and I feel as if I have control over it and I can do more than on the computer. I also use photoshop to color pictures that I've drawn in pencil and scanned in.
~Rebecca Berger
Q: What do you already know about art history?
A: I don't know much; however, I do know more about modern art than anything else.
Q: What is your favorite piece of art?
A: Communication X9 on Michigan Avenue by Yaacov Agam. It's such a different and interesting technique, I love it.
Q: Who is your favorite artist?
A: As of right now my favorite artists are Agam and Romero Brito.
Q: What is your favorite media?
A: I enjoy photography but I love sculptures and 3-D art
- Kamio Owens
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